
Coming soon… Maps to create a more meaningful life








Read the beginning here: STEP INTO HELL


Learn about the journey of its writing here: THE JOURNEY TO HELL


Begin your journey to greater understanding with ESSENTIAL life knowledge for FREE.

Most Important Knowledge Ever is part of…

The Meaning of Life series

The most comprehensive and complete look at the question of the meaning of life in history. The Meaning of Life covers psychology, spirituality, philosophy and more.

It presents the final answer to the questions: What is the meaning of life? And how then can I create an ultimately meaningful life?

The most important series of books you will ever read

In order of release

A religious and spiritual earthquake.

The teachings of Jesus have been utterly misunderstood for 2,000 years. This has had devastating consequences for millions of individuals and entire countries – consider all the wars of religion.  

Jesus himself explicitly said that he was talking to the masses IN CODE:

And he [Jesus] said to them [his disciples], “To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand…” (Mark 4:11-12).

“True believers” have prayed and preached, persecuted and perished because they believed in things different to what Jesus actually taught… because he spoke in code.

After 2,000 years, the Jesus code has finally been broken.

Check it out at Amazon click here: The Jesus Code

To read more and see videos about The Jesus Code…. CLICK HERE

How did a country preacher from a third-rate country in the Roman Empire become the most impactful man in human history?

Why did Jesus suddenly abandon his mission of teaching the kingdom of God? Why did he set himself to go to Jerusalem?

Why did he embrace/permit/organize his own crucifixion?

On the Cross, why did Jesus call out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me!?”

Only by answering these questions, can we understand the true significance of Jesus’s journey… why his life was the biggest turning point in human history… and how he became the most impactful person in  history.

Check it out at Amazon click here: The Crucifixion Code

“Life begins on the other side of despair.”   Jean-Paul Sartre

Have you ever been in despair?

Have you ever been in a confrontation with meaninglessness?

Are you in one now?

Is a friend or loved one?

Perhaps there is no more important book for you to read than this one.

Recently released

Check it out at Amazon click here: There HAS to be MORE to LIFE than THIS 

“What is the meaning of life?  This is a question that concerns each and every one of us in the most piercing and dramatic way possible – for in the answer to this question lies the path to a truly meaningful life for each one of us.”

This book examines common ideas about the meaning of life – ideas that have shaped individual lives and shaped the history of our planet: ideas such as “life is about preparation for the hereafter”, “life is about the pursuit of pleasure” and “life is meaningless”.

We shall see that, in the end, there are only two rational answers to the question of  “What is the meaning of life?” And one of these is that life is meaningless.

Release date to be announced


It would certainly be a shame if all this contemplation of the meaning of life didn’t also lead to some wry observations and a few laughs. 


“For many readers, reading this book will be one of the most confronting experiences of their lives. Prior to starting to read it, please have a source of psychological and/or emotional support lined up – whether this be a professional therapist or just someone you can talk to. I do not recommend that you read this book with a partner as the danger is that at least one of you will start trying to talk the other one out of reading it (as a way of talking themselves out of reading it).”

Scheduled for release in 2024

The ultimate answer to the question: “What is the meaning of human life?”

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